Love Letters to God

Friday, November 28, 2008

"I remember the days of long ago; I meditate upon on all your works and consider what Your hands have done... Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul." Psalms 143: 5; 8

God just dropped this passage into my head about a day ago, right out of the blue when I happened to walk past and look at my Bible. It was right after my mum gave me my Dad's birthday card (it's his birthday today whee! Happy Birthday Daddy!) and told me to write in it. And I was actually at a lost as to what to write but I knew I wanted to write something from the Bible because this is one of my chances to encourage him with words so why not? :)

In this particular Psalms, David is fleeing from his enemies (I'm assuming it's Saul) and he talks about how he feels defeated and crushed because of this ever constant, ever relentless pursuit. And I love the feel that he gives in that quoted verse because there's this sense that he's trapped in this gloomy darkness and yet he is able to quieten himself admist his anguish, and begins to remember what God has done for him time and time again before waiting for a new morning that brings hope with it.

You know, I was thinking to myself, why did David ask God to give him proof of His unfailing love in the morning? After all, didn't he already need proof of His love right NOW, in his darkest hour, in the night? And then it hit me: Morning IS the proof of God's unfailing love.

You see, no matter how dark and perilous the night can become, there is always the promise of the morning which will always, always dispel the darkness. The sun will never fail to rise, just like how God will never fail to love. A child of God will always be a child of God no matter where you go, and no matter how far you run from your Fatherbecause it has been and always will be your birthright.

Have you ever noticed how you can never hide from the rays of dawn? Sunlight has this remarkable way of permeating into deep recesses and crevices; it's very difficult to completely shut out the sun wherever you are. There'd always be that tiniest sliver of light that shines. So it's the same with God's love. It will always find you no matter where you go because it penetrates to the very ends of the earth.

And just like how that little bit of light is enough to shatter the surrounding mass of darkness, that little bit of God's love is more than enough to shatter the hardest of hearts it penetrates into.

Siaw Hui

She thanks her Jesus at 2:59 PM

The Trio

Siaw Hui


Hannah i.e. *Ai-Chan* :)
Rachel is still MIA :P
Siaw Hui is feeling a God-given inspiration


Urban Life (Jovial's)

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Layout/ kriss
Images/ getty
Brushes/ hybrid ignite
Fonts/ dafont
Lyrics/ Jars of Clay - Love song for a Saviour