Love Letters to God

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Imagine a little girl (or boy lol) running in golden-tinged fields, hands skimming over the tall grass.

She's running with joy, laughing and dancing around the flowers.

Now imagine her father running with her, laughing and calling her name. Asking her to hold on to his hand lest she should fall or get lost in the wide, wide fields.

The girl dances over to her father and puts her hand trustingly in his. Hand in hand, they begin to skip together through the meadow. Sometimes they stop to smell or pick the flowers. And someitmes they're running faster, other times slower.

And always the father leads the little girl. Always giving her a little tug with his hand linked with hers to bring her to new places on the field, to enjoy new wonders.

And always saying, "Don't let go. Hold on to me."

But then distractions begin to plague the field. And try as she might, the little girl starts to let her eyes wander over to such things. She becomes curious, she wants to know more. And before she knows it, her hand begins to slip out of her father's grip, slowly and almost inevitably. And she begins to run after things but it isn't long before she realizes that she doesn't know where she's going anymore.

It isn't long before she realizes that the thing she pursued was uninteresting, uneventful, nothing compared to the joy she once had.

So she looks around and soon enough her father comes by. He doesn't scold her, he doesn't even look angry. All he does is smile and tap her shoulder before taking her hand again.

But it isn't long before she runs away again...

When I first saw this in my dream, all I could do was just cry. Because how often have I been guilty of doing what the little girl did? Running away when distractions came because they looked far more interesting. Letting distractions come between me and my Dad.

How many times? It must really break God's heart.

And yet He always comes to rescue me and take my hand again.

Because. Just because... He loves me.

*~Siaw Hui~*

She thanks her Jesus at 6:14 PM

The Trio

Siaw Hui


Hannah i.e. *Ai-Chan* :)
Rachel is still MIA :P
Siaw Hui is feeling a God-given inspiration


Urban Life (Jovial's)

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Layout/ kriss
Images/ getty
Brushes/ hybrid ignite
Fonts/ dafont
Lyrics/ Jars of Clay - Love song for a Saviour