Love Letters to God

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I don't know how I'm going to type this because my heart's totally jumping all over the place right now and it's just bubbling out of me so badly!!!

BUT I must must share this with the whole wide entire world (hence, the blog lol) because it's just too awesome and INCREDIBLE! And I so want to encourage others to go through the same thing as me! :D AAAHHH!!

PLUS I need this so that I will NEVER EVER forget this GREAT COOL thing!

So okay, I just want to encourage you that whatever happens in your life; regardless of how unplanned said thing is, and you start questioning God (please refer to previous post)... I just want to encourage you to LISTEN to what He says and just OBEY it even though the answer totally doesn't make sense because it doesn't seem related to what you asked.

Because you know what? It sets you up for something greater (and totally unrelated too lol) and you will NOT expect it :D

Anyway, today at service, Pastor Rob was preaching and saying about how some people (including him) have smelt the Holy Spirit and how it smelt like concentrated rose petals. And I remember thinking to myself: Oh my GOSHH how cool is that?? (even though I could not even begin to imagine what that smells like LOL because in my experience, roses are really hard to smell... it's so faint!)

So when the opportunity came for us to pray and ask God to let us experience Him in ways we've never felt before, see etc. etc. I started praying: Lord, I want to smell You! Let me smell You! And somehow, in my heart, I knew that it was GOING to happen!

I didn't smell it right at that instant, but I felt a veil of peace just fall over me... when I could just become aware of my heart beat. And just for that moment, that one moment, it felt like everything was perfect and nothing could ever touch me!!

So anyway, after the whole deal was done, I walked out of the hall and to the side doors, to the spot where I initially was; welcoming ppl into the service before it began (I was ushering I FORGOT TO MENTION HAHA). I am telling you that as I pushed open those doors and went to assume my position I suddenly smelt this amazingly strong, powerful (yet not sickening, in fact pleasant) scent!

The first thing that went through my mind was: What perfume is that? And I turned to look if someone had walked past me and sent out that whiff of perfume as she walked by... but then I realized, all these ppl were walking past me and yet that scent didn't fade! It just stayed there as strong as it first began! If it had been emitted off someone, it would have slowly faded but... NO IT STAYED!

And then I started bouncing this way and that within that area and the smell remained the same. And then I started thinking: Okay, why is NO ONE ELSE smelling this?? No one was looking this way and that (like I did, trying to find the smell). They were just busy talking to one another, like nothing strong was piercing their nostrils!

And I remember thinking: Boy, does this scent remind me of flowers! AND THAT"S WHEN IT HIT ME! IT SMELLS LIKE ROSE PETALS!!! Like LOADS AND LOADS OF ROSE PETALS!! And as I breathed in more of it, I was more convinced.

I started running back inside; into the hall and for a while the smell stayed with me but then it disappeared. When I went back to that same spot there it was again! As powerful as ever! And this time, they were different people near the spot (so it's DEFINITELY not ppl emitting the smell lol!) And I was so totally gobsmacked because SERIOUSLY, it's the very same spot where I had been standing almost 45 minutes, welcoming ppl into the hall to encounter God! IT"S LIKE HE WAS WITH ME ALL THE TIME WHILST I WAS SERVING HIM HOW AWESOME IS THAT?

Oh, and btw, just to reassure any skeptics, in that 45 minutes before service started when I was standing there, I never smelt anything. Neither did Doreen (my awesome-st ushering partner who was standing there too, chatting her heart out with me). When I came back an hour after my experience to that same place (I was posted elsewhere) ... I didn't smell anything so NO it's not the carpet or furnishings WHATEVER!

And oh, by the time the last service came (yep I was still there because I was ushering hahaha) and when that opportunity came again. AGAIN, I felt the same peace... and this time, there was a faint smell of rose petals yet again!!

WOOOOO! Awesomeness!

Siaw Hui

She thanks her Jesus at 10:14 PM

The Trio

Siaw Hui


Hannah i.e. *Ai-Chan* :)
Rachel is still MIA :P
Siaw Hui is feeling a God-given inspiration


Urban Life (Jovial's)

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Layout/ kriss
Images/ getty
Brushes/ hybrid ignite
Fonts/ dafont
Lyrics/ Jars of Clay - Love song for a Saviour