Love Letters to God

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I so love worship right now :) and I totally understand when Cherish says that she loves album recordings :D

You know, I've always loved the story of the Prodigal Son. How the father always continued to love his boy through the seasons and then ended up welcoming him back home with open arms eventhough he squandered away all his inheritance from his dad. It's a love that's so incomprehensible, a love that goes beyond all measure.

I've always felt so inspired by the story and I love all the parables in the great big book of everything i.e. Bible because personally, I've always loved writing. I love the way words look on paper, sound when said and brings life to a story. And when I say I love writing, I mean writing stories not university-style essays blech. :D

Earlier this year, when I was asking God what He could use of me to let people around me know about Him, He told me that He would use me to write things that would encourage people. One of the reasons why I stepped out in faith when He asked me start a devotional blog (ahem, this one! :D)

And I totally loved that promise of His because well, I find passion in putting things into words and when people respond to what I write, it just fuels the passion even more. So, if I write now of God's goodness and people respond to my writing, it'd be doubly awesome, know why? Because not only would it fuel my passion to write more to encourage ppl more BUT it would also let them walk closer to God :D :D

Anyway, off tangent. So yeah, I've always loved the Prodigal son and I've always loved and wanted to do a slightly modern-day twist to the story in the sense that people of our age group would be able to respond to (not that they wouldn't respond to Prodigal son, I did and I almost teared XD) because it related to their situation or maybe their friends or peers.

But I never got round to doing it because I had no inspiration of how to modify ...

Until the middle of this year.

I started getting this sketchy images in my head of a teenage girl. And whenever I did, I somehow knew that whatever the pictures flashing in my head, this was the girl's life story. And also I get this urge of wanting to tell her story: the exact same urge I get when I get cool fiction story plots in my head. And usually the urge meant sooner or later, the story would get told... in my words written on my paper.

This time though, I felt that whatever the girl's life story was, it was something that is stays at the very heart of our God. And so, I knew that to write this story would mean that it would be inspired by Him.

BUT as lovely as it all sounds, the images suddenly stopped...

Until today in worship.

God has placed even clearer images in my head. But that's not what's most exciting. The most exciting fact is that this images are NEW and this images have suddenly put a bit of a different spin on the old story of the Prodigal Son in that there are other messages that God wants to put through.

So... stay tuned. I'm so pumped and inspired :)

She thanks her Jesus at 8:32 PM

The Trio

Siaw Hui


Hannah i.e. *Ai-Chan* :)
Rachel is still MIA :P
Siaw Hui is feeling a God-given inspiration


Urban Life (Jovial's)

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Layout/ kriss
Images/ getty
Brushes/ hybrid ignite
Fonts/ dafont
Lyrics/ Jars of Clay - Love song for a Saviour