Love Letters to God

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Let's face it: We live in a practical world, a world that believes in logic and reason, science and facts. So, it's really not odd when someone approaches you with a question that picks at the logic behind what my God tells me.

And sometimes, it's really hard to come back at them with an answer because some things just require faith not logic. For example, "How do I know God really loves me?" Well, there isn't any hard-core scientific proof for that but is I believe that He does suffice? And then some people may even go through the entire process of archaelogical evidence that Jesus was on earth, died for our sins because of His love (are you sure?) etc. etc.

But sometimes, you know what? God can provide a really good LOGICAL answer to the questions you're being asked. It's what happened to me last year ;)

Going through Trinity, I had to take History of Ideas (HOI) as one of my subjects ;) And one of the things that HOI sought to instill in us was the art of critical thinking and idea debate. Now, one of the topics that was briefly touched upon was Christianity and another was about individual rights.

Now, my HOI tuts were always filled with verbal debating because my tutor, Mr J loved for us to discuss ideas. So, was it really surprising if one day, a question suddenly popped up regarding Christianity and individual rights?

Mr J: (to the class) So, do we all believe in individual rights?
Class: Yes!
Mr J: Right! So then, if a person wants to be a gay, does he have the right to become one?
Class: Yes!
Mr J: Absolutely sure?
Class: Yes!
Mr J: Okay... so then isn't it okay for a pastor of a church, for example, to become gay if he wants to? He has the right to choose his sexuality doesn't he?
Class: (Half of which are professed Christians, weakly) yes...
Me: (firmly) No!

Class turns to look at me.

Mr J: And why do you say so, Siaw Hui?
Me: (suddenly realizing I loud in answering) Uhm... well that's not right.
Mr J: But you just said that it was his individual right to be gay. So why should him being a pastor make him any different?
Me: Yes... but (scrambling to find an answer) if we want to talk about individual rights, then why don't we extend it to that of the church? The guy wants to be gay and serve in the church, yes he does have a right to do that... but doesn't the church have the right to exercise what they believe in? That God does not accept homosexuality and therefore, a person serving Him by being a pastor shouldn't be one?

The whole class is watching by now.

Mr J: That's true... But then, isn't it also true that the Bible tells us that God loves everyone? Why does he not accept homosexuals then?

And that was the question that stumped me. And as I sat there, staring at the tutor, the whole class was watching me.

And then suddenly, I had a thought pass extremely quickly through my mind and before I could even comprehend what it was (my mind skipped to a: Oh my God that's it!), I found my mouth opening...

Me: But you see, Mr. J, love does not necessarily mean acceptance.

The whole class now was literally going: Huh? but Mr J. just cocked his head to one side...

Mr J: What do you mean?

Me: (slowly, opening my mouth without realizing) Love does not mean acceptance. You see, it's like a father and his son. The father loves his son, very very much. And there is nothing the son has or can do that will make his father love him less. The love... the love the father has for his son is unconditional. Even if his son becomes a murderer, the father will continue to love him BUT he will not accept his murdering behaviour because that is a moral crime. The father loves him despite and inspite of everything BUT he will NOT condone the killing he has done.

I look up and the whole class is just staring at me until Mr J...

Mr J: (smiles and nods) I concede the argument. (raises his hand in surrender) For once in my class, Siaw Hui, I have nothing to say against you.

The humbling and awesome thing is that that explanation was never my own. I believed, and still do, that it came from God. I can never be as wise as that and remember, the thought was so fleeting that it came out of my mouth without even staying in my brain for more than 1 second.

So, are you asking for God-given wisdom to answer questions today? Or are you trying to rely on your own wisdom and stumbling?

She thanks her Jesus at 9:59 PM

The Trio

Siaw Hui


Hannah i.e. *Ai-Chan* :)
Rachel is still MIA :P
Siaw Hui is feeling a God-given inspiration


Urban Life (Jovial's)

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Layout/ kriss
Images/ getty
Brushes/ hybrid ignite
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Lyrics/ Jars of Clay - Love song for a Saviour