Love Letters to God

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

thanks Cherish for the song (hugs) you're the bestest. :)

Hold on - Daniel Doss Band

When you don't want to face another day
Seems like your life's one big mistake
Failures from your former self chase you
Listen close so you know what to do

You may not see it
You may not feel it
But I'm holding you tightly
Your spirit is near Me
So hold on hold on
It will not be long till its all over child
Hold on hold on
Lay your weary head upon my shoulder

The pain is beating down so faithfully
But My love is more faithful
You will see and the winds will show no mercy for your face
But your heart is safe secure inside My grace

I totally and completely identify with this song, especially the italicized parts.

Sometimes all we really need to do, when things around us start to fall pieces, one by one, is to just stop looking at what's happening. It's hard, I know, because the hurt and the disappointment feels and tastes so real.

But like what Pastor Sam said yesterday at Inner Champ (yay for her :D), the world around us seems so real but you know what? The reality of who God is and what His kingdom is so much real-er. Because this world will pass away and all that remains will be Him. And because of that, we can always go higher, reach higher and know deep within that we have a God that will always be bigger than our problems.

And the one method that I've found that never fails, providing you do it with a mind that is still, calm and completely cleared; NOT messed up and scattered, is when you ask God for help.

You see, it's like we're on training ground really and we're like soldiers. Sometimes we need to get down and crawl a bit in the mud, or under that fence or dodge the bullets that come from everywhere. Just like training grounds, we sometimes get the easier spots: "Oh it's just running really. Oh it's just crawling in the mud really." But then sometimes we get the tougher spots: "Oh no! Bullet bombardment! Duck!"

And if you do it on your own, it's gonna be real hard. Imagine. You're looking to the left for a bullet, but then it might come from the right whilst you're looking the other way. What God's like is He's our personal lookout who can see EVERYTHING that's going on. So when we ask for help, He'd guide us through the entire thing, even when we can't see the bullet that's coming our way, we'd know to duck anyway because He'd tell us: Duck NOW!

And you must remember, the important thing about training ground is that, if you're on it for long enough, you become an expert in handling a certain, same kind of obstacle. So that when you approach it again, it becomes second-nature for you to overcome it easily.

But whatever it is, don't just stand there and give up. Because then you'd never finish your training and graduate to a higher level. And isn't it always better to go out there and fight it out? Because even if you fail and fall, there'd always be God to pick you up off the ground by the hand and say: Come on, keep going. You can do it because I'm with you.

So what are you doing today? Fighting your way through a field of bullets for a victory that you know has already been won? Or have you just given up?

She thanks her Jesus at 6:34 PM

The Trio

Siaw Hui


Hannah i.e. *Ai-Chan* :)
Rachel is still MIA :P
Siaw Hui is feeling a God-given inspiration


Urban Life (Jovial's)

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Layout/ kriss
Images/ getty
Brushes/ hybrid ignite
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Lyrics/ Jars of Clay - Love song for a Saviour