Love Letters to God

Monday, October 13, 2008

Hellooo! It is my first time writing here. But I got a great testimony to share that will perhaps encourage you to continue trusting faithfully in God! He will work miracles in your life, both small and big. Praise the Lord! =D

Basically, my situation was that I was going to get evicted from my room in my hostel. The city council came recently and declared my room illegal. I have no idea why they did so, because I have already stayed there for 1 and 3/4 years. They came a few times prior and the room was fine then. I had also paid my rent for the whole entire year, and I was told if I were to move out with my housemate for next year instead of taking the substitute accommodation arranged, I would forfeit my rent. My rent includes food, internet and utilities bills and is quite costly. Additionally, exams are approaching in just a few weeks. Furthermore, the substitute arrangement was very inconvenient and far away from the hostel. The plan was for me to eat and use the internet at the hostel every day although I stayed elsewhere.

Either way it seemed I have to face quite a lot of inconvenience. As anyone can guess, I was very stressed. I was praying, "God help me!" and stressing out almost every day. I was quite behind in my studies as well, so there was that added pressure. I must however admit, I couldn't really see how God will work this out, but I had that tiny belief that He somehow would. And He did! Even faith so tiny can do great things in God's name, all you have to do is put your trust in Him.

A few days later after I was told of the crazy arrangements (the substitute accommodation was not even confirm, the hostel manager was still looking for a place), a friend, who stayed in my hostel, offered me her room to share while we on the train to go for a church course. Although I knew her room can fit two people quite adequately as it is a single room converted from a double room, I thought she was not serious and joked about how if we squished in a single room, we would get a refund because we both paid for single rooms. Thus, when I reached back that night, I was still in panic mode.

However I thought back on that offer and proceeded to ask that friend if she would ask her parents for permission and stuff. To my great surprise, by the time I wanted to ask her, she had already called her parents and received their approval. And to my even greater surprise, her parents were not one bit concerned about compensation for the inconvenience of her squishing. Instead, all they asked was that this will not impede her studies. Although she said a little money would be good, it was not a deciding factor. Now to put things into context, when most people found out I was going to move into her room from now on, their first question was, "Is she getting any money/compensation?" To make things even sweeter and ever so thoughtful, she even asked her corridormate if I could share the toilet with them as well.

To make things very clear, she does not have to offer her room and squish with me, and suffer from the inconvenience caused. Lastly, we had to get our hostel manager's approval as well. And with God's grace and control, he agreed and said he may compensate my friend as well. PRAISE THE LORD!! Thus all these events certainly have the mark of God on them. How else could things fall so smoothly into place?

This flow of events have taught me so much. What is the point of worrying and being so stressed? Read Matthew 6:25-34. It's about how God gives so much to the plants who do not sow, so how much more will He provide for your needs? He sees you as such a valuable child, so priceless that He paid your price through His one and only son, Jesus!

I'm glad and thankful that God put so many of my friends and family to support and pray for me during this stressful time. =D Who cares about those who did not? It does not mean when no one appears to care for you, there is no one caring. You are never alone because the Lord is by your side always. So stop counting what you do not have and you will realise you have plenty! God will always provide. Trust in Him always!

In the meantime, God bless you!

Keep believing and trusting,
(= Hannah =)


She thanks her Jesus at 7:35 PM

The Trio

Siaw Hui


Hannah i.e. *Ai-Chan* :)
Rachel is still MIA :P
Siaw Hui is feeling a God-given inspiration


Urban Life (Jovial's)

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Layout/ kriss
Images/ getty
Brushes/ hybrid ignite
Fonts/ dafont
Lyrics/ Jars of Clay - Love song for a Saviour