Love Letters to God

Saturday, January 24, 2009

1 Corinthians 13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Love. The greatest mystery of them all and yet it is, without a shadow of a doubt, the greatest force in the world.

Yet... I've always wondered, why love? Why does God place love above faith and hope? I mean, yes I understand the whole deal about how love conquers all and how it's because He so loved the world that He sent His only Son so that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16) but... well, aren't faith and hope incredibly powerful as well?

After all, it's not too much of an overgeneralization to say that believers and non-believers alike know that words shape the way things turn out (refer to the best-selling book The Secret and most importantly, the Bible). And of course, when we speak out blessings over our life, we speak with certainty, with faith.

Faith in a person is able to drive someone to do something he/she never thought could be done. The words: "I believe in you!" should not and cannot be underestimated.

And then hope. Throughout the hardest days of my life, it's hope that gets me going. In fact, I always tell myself that with a new day, comes a new hope for a new beginning. When we hope for something better, the horizon starts to appear just that tiny bit clearer, brighter... and then we start to hold out for it. In Romans, Paul explicitly states that hope, when invested in God, does not disappoint.

So why does love get a one-up over faith and hope?

The answer that God casually dropped in my heart however, is completely and utterly amazing.

Love produces faith; and faith sparks a hope for something better.

And that it so true.

Faith without love is just foolish. How can I trust in someone who doesn't love me? That'd be idiocy at the core because the person can betray me, hurt me. And conversely, how can I trust in someone that I do not love? Love at its essence is all about the investment of trust; the willingness to believe that the person who holds my heart will not proceed to shatter it.

And hope? What is hope without faith? And therefore, what is hope without love? How can I have this hope that the God of the universe has something far greater than I could ever dream of if I don't even believe that He's there? Hope without faith is senseless. I can say that I hope and I hope and I hope in a better tomorrow, but if I don't believe that I will have a brighter tomorrow then, seriously the hope that I speak about is not even hope at all! Because hope that dwells in the heart instead of only in the mouth, needs the innate feeling that yes, it's going to happen!

So, it's just like Paul says, without love, we can do the greatest things on earth but it'd all amount to clanging cymbals and gongs (refer earlier part of 1 Corinthians 13) because after all, love proceeds everything. ;)

Have a great Chinese New Year y'all ;) And God bless.

*~Siaw Hui~*

She thanks her Jesus at 12:18 PM

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

God gave me a P license. :D

And I'm proud to say I did it all WITHOUT bribery. :D

And I totally know that it's God who was in total control of the entire thing because if you ask me details on how I maneouvered the car to do the various tricks... I will tell you I do not remember crap about it (especially my three point turning, I did some totally untried before technique LOL) EXCEPT that I did it.

Praise God, He really is good and He really pulls through when you decide to stand up for Him and His promises.

I'd tell you know that the last 9 days of fasting hasn't been easy. Especially in the midst of the ever impending exam and the fact that I've been driving like crap inconsistently right up until this morning's warm up (before the exam started) so much so I'm reminded of the temptation to bribe each and every single day after driving practice.

But you know what, I'm totally glad that I fought through, with God's help of course. You won't believe how much He's done for me besides giving me that elusive P. If God slept like humans, I can guarantee you He's been woken up each and every single night by my complaints and tears.

And oh my my, the things He's set into motion in my life during the fast besides the driving is so totally awesome. I can't WAIT to get into gear for the next part eventhough it's probably going to be tough. And there's this sudden explosion in the gifts He's given me that it's totally mindblowing: in the week alone, I've started writing my story (and it's totally growing great :D) and even a song. A SONG!! When did Wong Siaw Hui ever start writing songs? She only knew how to play songs.

And all because I accepted His challenge to surrender all. I know that there'd be times when I'd try to wrestle back the various areas of my life back from His hands but I know that I'd just end up putting it back in there again because it's really safer there, don't you think?

I'd update more once I give this sleepy eyes a rest.


Siaw Hui

She thanks her Jesus at 5:29 PM

The Trio

Siaw Hui


Hannah i.e. *Ai-Chan* :)
Rachel is still MIA :P
Siaw Hui is feeling a God-given inspiration


Urban Life (Jovial's)

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Layout/ kriss
Images/ getty
Brushes/ hybrid ignite
Fonts/ dafont
Lyrics/ Jars of Clay - Love song for a Saviour